
Sunday, 9 June 2013

Yagavtar Baba Lokenath of Barodi (in Dacca) (who lived during 1730-1890) had given his close disciple Sri Ashwini Chatterjee a mantra that was half and incomplete and told him that he would meet a supreme power fifty years from then who would give him (Ashwini) his balance half mantra to complete his Sadhana. This prophecy was made sometime in 1881 even before Sri Sri Thakur’s parents were born. Baba Lokenath sent Ashwini Chatterjee back home to live a householder’s life. He also advised Ashvini to go and spend some time with Mahayogi Trailanga Swamy at Benaras (Kashi). Ashwini immediately followed Baba Lokenath’s advice and met Trailanga Swamy. Mahayogi Trailanga Swami (1601-1881) was a great saint and was virtually worshipped as a god by local people. He also made the same prophecy to Ashwini Chatterjee that he would meet a purna Brahman (supreme being) in about 50 years time. Ashwini's prophesied guru was none other than Sri Sri Balak Brahmachari. Ashwini met Sri Sri Thakur in strange circumstances at a place called Kathakkali in Bangladesh when Sri Sri Thakur halted there for a while during his boat journey one day, and received his much-awaited balance half mantra from Sri Sri Thakur without asking. Sri Sri Thakur was then a young boy of only about 10/11 years old

thakur balok brohmachari

ram narayan ram

Our mind is nothing but a matter. Both our physical body and mind are made up of same material although it is difficult to accept this readily, as mind is too any an object to serch. Body and mind are the two states of the same matter like ice and water. Just as the fragrance of a flower is a matter, so is mind the scent of the body. It spreads everywhere.It exists everywhere in everything. Mind is like water .Its Course is similar to that of water that evaporates and vanishes so that it has access everywhere in the space , includibg in our bodies. Our mind is not confind within our body .It stretches all over the space .Mind can wander without the body.This is beacuse it has not lost its original form or characteristics. From birth to death , the mind moves on and on in its own original form without waiting for anything . It moves like water and the wind . Before our birth , we existed in the form of mind . May be merged with water , air or foodstuff.It was concious.Mind is ever concious . it is indestructible. Mind is always restless due to its constant thirst for the realization of the self .This mental thirst produces different instincts in everyone like desires,anger, and so on. Different instincts enable us to go forward, and experience the vast void. Mind cannot be confined,just as air and water cannot be confiend. Mind ,like air, water and space, cannot be inactive or emty .Mind works incessantly,and its action is its mode of expression or strenth.Mind thinks , and thought itself is action. Mind is more powerfull than atom .By mere contemplating, you can bring anything or go anywhere in a split of a scond.The will follows the mind. Just as physical exercise strengthens muscles of the body , the same way meditation , penance , prayer , and deep contemplation help in unfolding the latent power of the mind . In short mind is the core substance of any matter. It is the primordial sound of the creation. Photo details 1 Add a comment...

Lord Gourango (sri Chaitanya) is regared as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, one of the Hindu Trinity, the preserver. Sri Chaitanya prophesied that he would come again in the world in 13th generation of his maternal uncle,s line (Sri Bishnudas Thakur) as a nephew. Thakur Balak Brahmachari is that promised appearance. Sri Sri Thakur was a janmasiddha Mahapurush. A great spiritual personality, who comes to this world with full enlightenment equipped with super occult powers under his control right from his birth. It is not necessary for him to undergo rigorous spiritual practice in the world. Lord Gourango (sri Chaitanya) is regared as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, one of the Hindu Trinity, the preserver. Sri Chaitanya prophesied that he would come again in the world in 13th generation of his maternal uncle,s line (Sri Bishnudas Thakur) as a nephew. Thakur Balak Brahmachari is that promised appearance. Sri Sri Thakur was a janmasiddha Mahapurush. A great spiritual personality, who comes to this world with full enlightenment equipped with super occult powers under his control right from his birth. It is not necessary for him to undergo rigorous spiritual practice in the world. — with Parthapratim Aich and 46 others. Show less



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